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Apr 16, 2015
Op-Ed: Patent Trolls Don't Contribute To Innovation – They Impose A Private Tax
Trial lawyers trying to hold parts of the legal system hostage to make money is nothing new. It always happens the same way: a few...
Apr 15, 2015
Op-Ed: Taking Patent Litigation Reform to the Next Level
Vermont is a creative, innovative place with a strong history of entrepreneurial initiative. Despite difficult economic news, many...
Apr 1, 2015
Op-Ed: Innovation Act preserves America's patent system
More than 200 years after our Founding Fathers enshrined patent protections into our constitution, America continues to be a shining...
Mar 30, 2015
Op-Ed: This year, Congress needs to stop patent trolls
American consumers and the small businesses they depend on for many daily needs are literally being robbed, every day, via loopholes in...
Mar 17, 2015
Op-Ed: The STRONG Patents Act Is a Death Squad for Innovation
When I was 7 years old, I found a wallet on the sidewalk on my way home from the park. My mother told me I had to return it to the lost...
Mar 16, 2015
Op-Ed: Stop patent trolls from preying on innovation
As a boy I could fix almost anything — and even make things better than new. In 1965 I put this skill to work when I opened a small...
Mar 16, 2015
Op-Ed: Senator Hatch: It’s Time to Kill Patent Trolls for Good
Since 2011,, from my home state of Utah, has been targeted by 28 so-called patent “trolls,” seeking to enforce vague...
Feb 27, 2015
Op-Ed: Patent trolls threaten R.I. grocers
For most of our nation’s history, grocery stores have been a staple along main streets across the country — ranging from the small...
Feb 25, 2015
The FTC should release an interim report to help patent reform
Patent reform is appropriately a critical priority for the 114th Congress. Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and Darrell Issa’s (R-Calif.)...
Jan 23, 2015
Op-Ed: The failure of patent privateering?
In what may hopefully become the death knell of the patent privateering model, Rockstar has announced the sale of its 4,000 remaining...
Jan 17, 2015
Op-Ed: Taking back our patent system
Washington is broken we’ve been told; the political will that exists beneath the Capitol dome isn’t strong enough to break through the...
Jan 7, 2015
Op-Ed: The five issues Congress can tackle in 2015
For the first time in a long time, I feel better about Washington. Perhaps it’s a persistent holiday spirit, or the bipartisanship that...
Jan 6, 2015
Op-Ed: To protect small designers, we need patent-law reform
As Americans gathered this holiday season, I bet most weren’t thinking about the patented things around them, from the patented function...
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